When To Schedule Your Pap Smear
The Pap smear checks for changes in the cells of your cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens into the vagina (birth canal). The Pap test can tell if you have an infection, abnormal (unhealthy) cervical cells, or cervical cancer. It is important to know when to get one because ultimately, it can save your life. For example, HPV can be dected early and your doctor can help you with treatment.The main cause of cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is very prevalent, and most people will be infected with the virus at some point in their lives, according to Dr. Mark Einstein, a gynecologic oncologist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City.
To most women, the confusing part of this routine check up is when to begin getting them and how often you should get them. Screening guidelines have been changing for various cancers, and sometimes even the experts don't agree on what screenings need to be done and when. But for cervical cancer, there seems to be more of a general consensus on which women need to be screened, and at what ages those screenings should be done.
Most women can follow these guidelines:
- Starting at age 21, have a Pap test every 2 years.
- If you are 30 years old and older and have had 3 normal Pap tests for 3 years in a row, talk to your doctor about spacing out Pap tests to every 3 years.
- If you are over 65 years old, ask your doctor if you can stop having Pap tests.
Ask your doctor about more frequent testing if:
- You have a weakened immune system because of organ transplant, chemotherapy, or steroid use
- Your mother was exposed to diethylstilbestrol while pregnant
- You are HIV positive
Many things can cause invalid test results by washing away or hiding abnormal cells of the cervix. It is recommended that you do not use tampons, creams, suppositories, vaginal deodorant sprays, or vaginal medications for two days prior to having your Pap smear. You doctor may also ask you not to douche or have sex on the two days before your test.