The Common Cold and Influenza are caused by over 200 different viruses can cause colds. Influenza is not caused by as much. This is why we have a shot for the flu and not colds. Now that we know what can cause the cold and flu, let us look at the symptoms of the Common Cold and Influenza (Flu).

To start off, cold symptoms are generally milder than the flu symptoms. When someone has a cold they would show these symptoms:

  • Fever (which is rare, but in some cases a fever temperature has risen to 102F)
  • Coughing (with green or yellow discharge, this is called Productive Coughing)
  • Muscle Aches
  • Stuffy nose (that frequently resolves automatically within a week)
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Watery eyes
  • Chest discomfort (mild to moderate discomfort)
  • Although uncommon, headaches have been known to be a symptom for a cold
  • Tiredness/ Fatigue (mild)
  • Chills
  • Sudden symptoms of a cold usually take a few days to develop

The inverse to a cold is Influenza (the flu). Unlike a cold the symptoms will appear much faster and hit a person harder. The flu symptoms are as follows:

  • Persistent fever that reaches 100F or higher for up to 4 days
  • Coughing ( referred to as a dry-cough, or non-productive cough)
  • Muscle aches found in the back, arms, and legs (moderate to severe)
  • Although uncommon, stuffy noses have been known to be symptoms of the flu
  • Loss of appetite / Nausea
  • Headaches are very common with the flu
  • Chills and sweets are very common
  • Sudden symptoms show a swift onset within 3-6 hours that include fever and aches

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