PharmAvail Benefit Management


3380 Trickum Road Bldg.400, 100
Woodstock, GA 31088


Charles Callihan, R.Ph., CDM. Business Development

Phone: (800) 933-3734

Fax: (678) 236-0415



PharmAvail is an established leader within the pharmacy benefit management and consulting fields. Our professional team, with more than two decades of experience, manages prescription benefits for employers, TPAs, government entities, unions, worker's compensation MCOs, HMOs and 340B entities.

Our executive team has consulted with several state agencies desperate to find ways to control drug costs without sacrificing quality within their pharmacy programs, and we are excited to bring this expertise to plan administrators and employers in the private sector. Our services are fully integrated, including national retail, mail order and specialty pharmacy networks; on-line claims processing; and extensive reporting capabilities. PharmAvail exceeds the services of our competitors with unrivaled clinical and systems expertise. Our dynamic and prospective management of pharmacy benefits sets us above the field. None of our competitors can match our superior member and client services.

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